The Attitude Towards The Use Of Technology As A Mediation : Study In Government Land Institution (Bpn) Of Banda Banda Aceh, Sabang, And Aceh Besar

Author: Anny Setiawati, Said Musnadi and Syafruddin, Indonesia

Abstract:The purpose of this study is to look at the influence of Computer self-efficacy, Perceive Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness on attitude towards the use of technology and their impact on employee performance. The population is all employees of the Government Land Institution (BPN) of Banda Aceh, Sabang, and Aceh Besar, totaling 155 people. Sample is determined by census method, so the entire population is as the sample, as many as 155 respondents. The result from the test shows Computer self-efficacy does not effect attitude towards the use of technology, Perceive Ease of Use effects attitude towards the use of technology, Perceived Usefulness effects attitude towards the use of technology, Computer self-efficacy does not effect employee performance, Perceive Ease of Use effects employee performance, Perceived Usefulness effects employee performance, Attitude towards the use of technology effects employee performance, attitude towards the use of technology does not mediate the effect of Computer self-efficacy on employee performance, attitude towards the use of technology does not mediate the effect of Perceive Ease of Use on employee performance, and attitude towards the use of technology mediates partially the effect of Perceived Usefulness effects on employee performance. The Perceive Usefulness is the variable which must be strongly supported and improved because its contribution to improve attitude towards the use of technology and employee performance is the great ones compared to other effects. Otherwise, the independent computer self-efficacy variable does not show any contribution on the model, either directly or indirectly. This findings contribute as the new model developed that is built is based on the study of literature and preliminary research. The model that has been tested become the new premises and also can leads to other development research model in the future.