Factors Affecting Organizational Commitment Mediated By Employee Loyalty: Study in Aceh Financial Management Board
Author: Nora Amalia, Said Musnadi and Faisal, Indonesia
Abstract:This study is to prove the factors that affect the organizational commitment. The object of this research is all employees at the Aceh Financial Management Board. A number of samples in this study were 191 people out of a total of 366 employees of the Aceh Financial Management Board. This study uses SEM as an analytical method. The result shows that job characteristics affects the organizational commitment, organizational support affects the organizational commitment, job characteristic affects the loyalty of employees, organizational support affects the loyalty of employees, employee loyalty affects the organizational commitment, employee loyalty mediates the effect of job characteristics on the organizational commitment, employee loyalty mediates the effect of organizational support on the organizational commitment of the aceh financial management board. These proofs support the previous theories and the model becomes the new premises. This model contributes to the academics area that provide the update causality theories. The novelty lies in the model formed that is integrated from the previous research models. For the practical leaders, this can be a reference for formulating the policies in further. The limitation of this study resides in scope of the model and object.