The Role of Product Knowledge and E-Service Quality on Customer Trust and Intention of Customer to Use Mobile Banking In Banda Aceh
Author: Nazira Lukman, Muhammad Adam and Syafruddin, Indonesia
Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of product knowledge and e-service quality on banking customer trust and intention to use mobile banking. The population is the banking customers who use mobile banking in Banda Aceh. The sample design used is nonprobability sampling with convenience sampling method and involves 178 respondents. Structural Equation Model (SEM) is used to test the model. The software used is the AMOS and some additional softwares like SPSS and Sobel Calculator. The result shows that product knowledge has no effect on customer trust, electronic services quality effects customer trust, customer trust effects on the intention to use mobile banking, the product knowledge variable has no effect on the intention to use mobile banking. Electronic services quality effects the intention to use mobile banking, customer trust does not mediate the effect of product knowledge on intention to use mobile banking, and customer trust mediates the effect of electronic service quality on the intention to use mobile banking. The originality of this study lies in the new object and the integration of the causality models from several references. The limitation resides in the amount of the object. This model contributes to the academic and practical area, that this can be a reference to enrich the realm of sciences and observe the customers of mobile banking in Banda Aceh.