The Effect of Destination Image, and Facility and Infrastructure on the Tourist Revisit Intention Mediated by Sharia Tourist Experience in Aceh Province, Indonesia
Author: Azizah Nur, Nurdasila and Syafruddin Chan, Indonesia.
Abstract: The research is to find out the affect of Destination Image, Facilities and Infrastructure on The Tourists Revisit Intention which is mediated by tourist’s sharia Experience in Aceh Province. This research was conducted at the Aceh Province Tourism office. Data is analyzed using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) as one of multivariate techniques. The result figures that destination image affects tourist experience of sharia travel tourists, facility and infrasturcture affects touris experience of sharia travel tourists, destination image effects sharia tourists revisit intention, facility and infrastructure effect sharia tourists Revisit Intention, religious visit experience effects sharia tourists revisit intention, destination Image effects revisit intention of Sharia tourists through tourist experience, facility and infrastructure affect revisit intention through tourist experience. These all findings are proven to be a new premise, and contribute to the realm of science that upgrader the previous causality theories. The originality lies in the integration of the previous causality models, and with Aceh as an object. The limitation resides in the amount of variables and with one objecy. This also can be a reference and useful for the practical persons especially who involve in the tourism sector.