The Effect Of Brand Image And Consumer Satisfaction On Desire To Buy And Its Impact On Consumer Loyalty Of Suzuya Super Market Banda Aceh
Author: Rizki Fadjri, Nurdasila Darsono and Permana Honeyta Lubis, Indonesia
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to test: the effect of brand image and satisfaction on buying desire and consumer loyalty. The object is Suzuya Super Market Banda Aceh. The population is its consumers and the sample is taken with convinience technique as much as 200 respondents. Data is processed using the structural equation modeling (SEM) with the Amos software. The result shows that brand image effects desire to buy significantly, consumer satisfaction effects desire to buy significantly, desire to buy effects consumer loyalty significantly, brand image effects consumer loyalty significantly, customer satisfaction effects consumer loyalty significantly. These findings have implications both on academic and practical area. For academic, This is an update for the causality theories, and as a strong reference for the further research models. The originality rests in the combination of the previous models, and is tested with SEM. The limitation resides in the amount of variables, with an object. For practical managers, this can be a diagnosis of causality to re-formulate the policies of their organization, especially for Suzuya Super Market Banda Aceh