The Influence Of Job Embeddedness, Leadership And Motivation On Work Engagement And The Organizational Performance : Study In Class Of II/B Of Detention House Of Banda Aceh
Author: Yusaini, Jasman J Ma’ruf, Permana Honeyta Lubis, Indonesia
Abstract: This research is to test the influence of job embeddedness, leadership and motivation on work engagement and its implication on the performance. The research is conducted on the Detention House of Class of II B of Banda Aceh (Rutan Banda Aceh). The population is the employees of Rutan Banda Aceh as much as 110 people and the sample is taken by census method so that provides the 110 respondents. Data is collected by questionnaire. Data is tested by using structural equation modeling (SEM) with through Amos software. The verification result proves that : job embeddedness influences the work engagement; leadership also influences the work engagement; work motivation influence to work engagement; job embeddedness influences organizational performance; leadership influences the performance of the organization; work motivation influences performance of organization; work engagement influences organizational performance. These all findings prove the previous causality theories. The model of this research provide a new premise to be used in the further research. The development of the model is still needed to continue the enrichment in the realm of science especially in the field of management.