Effect Of Audit Committee Characteristics On Financial Reporting of Selected Saccos In Kisii County, Kenya
Author: Machora M. Nelson & Dr. Oluoch Oluoch, Kenya
Abstract: The researcher sought to establish the effect of audit committee characteristics on financial performance among deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya. This study was supported by the following specific objectives: to determine the effect of size of audit committee, the composition of audit committee, and the independence of the audit committee. This research adopted a descriptive research design. This study target population was 166 employees working in deposit taking SACCOs. The study has shown that audit committee experience is positively associated with firm performance. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used. The findings established that independent auditors have a negative influence on firm performance. It was concluded that the size of the audit committee should be embraced so as to have expertise in improving financial performance of SACCOS.