Causes and Effects of Stray Domestic Animals On Public Roads: A Case Study of R37 Between Polokwane and Burgersfort in Limpopo Province
Author: Mr. Mbangiseni Adam Mashau, South Africa
Abstract: Although coexistence of human beings and domestic animals is natural, interaction between moving machinery such as high speed motor vehicles and stray domestic animals has propensity to results in human fatalities and a number of animals getting killed. Property damage and related costs incurred following collision between motor cars and animals are huge and exorbitant respectively. Damages caused on motor vehicles during collision with animals are often repairable whilst human life and limbs have no readily available spares. The road (R37 between Polokwane and Burgersfort) is notorious for taking precious lives due to crashes between vehicles and stray domestic animals. Stray domestic animals belong to people that have responsibilities of ensuring that they are safely kept and looked after. Although it is also a responsibility of motorists to avoid collision with moving or stationary objects on the road, it is similarly imperative that livestock owners should ensure that their animals do not position themselves in collision course with moving motor vehicles. There must be a reason(s) for domestic animals to stray off thereby interfering with high speed motor vehicles on the road, R37 in particular. Despite the fact that it would seem normal and acceptable for accidents to happen, it cannot be acceptable that human lives, properties and animal lives are recklessly lost while we pretend as though everything is fine when it is in fact not. It is for this reason that, causes of domestic animals getting astray thereby roaming the country’s public roads, as well as effect of their collision with moving motor vehicle should be explores.