Paper Title: A title of no more than 20 words should be brief, specific, and informative.
Author Details: Full name for all authors should be given; The names of multiple authors are separated by a comma; Provide the full affiliation for each author including academic affiliation (or postal address), city, postcode, country, Email (optional); If multiple authors have contributed to the article, details of the corresponding author should be clear. Email address is compulsory for the corresponding author.
Abstract: The abstract should concisely state the purpose of the investigation and summarize the important conclusions. It should be a single paragraph of generally no more than 200 words.
Keywords: Include 5 to 8 keywords or short phrases for indexing.
Introduction: Provide a brief overview of the scope and relevance of the research, especially with regard to previous advancements in related fields.
Materials and Methods: Present the research design, research type, research duration, inclusion/exclusion criteria, choice of subjects, etc. Describe the methodology completely, including sample collection, processing, lab analysis, statistical tests used for data analysis, etc. Use section headings/subheadings in a logical order to entitle each category or method. (e.g. 1, 2; 1.1, 2.1; 1.1.1, 2.1.1…etc).
Results: Present and illustrate your findings objectively and concisely, if appropriate, with figures/ tables. In the main text, describe each of your results by a particular observation.
Discussion: Provide an interpretation of your results and make comparisons with other studies. The significance of the findings should be clearly described. If your results differ from your expectations, explain why that may have happened.
Process of Publication:
a) After receiving manuscript/paper/articles, the author will get a confirmation email of receiving that paper with id.
b) Manuscript/paper/articles will be checked through a plagiarism checker.
c) After that Manuscript/ Paper will be sent for double-blinded peer review.
d) Based on a double-blinded peer-review report, the editor will take the decision to accept or reject the paper or the editor can take the decision of re-submission of the manuscript/ Paper after suggested changes.
e) After this step if the Manuscript will be accepted then author will receive an acceptance of the paper within 7 to 15 days.
Process of Review :
Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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