The Influence of Learning Organization, Knowledge Management and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Commitment and Their Impact on Employee Performance of USK Medical Faculty

*Adiansyah, Mukhlis, A. Sakir
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


This study intends to examine the effect of learning organizations, knowledge management, and job satisfaction on organizational commitment and their impact on employee performance at the Medical Faculty, Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK Medical Faculty), one of the big universities in Indonesia. The population of this study was all 154 USK Medical Faculty employees. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The test results prove that the direct effect testing process proves that there is an effect of organizational learning, knowledge management, and job satisfaction on organizational commitment. In addition, learning organization, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment significantly affect the performance of USK Medical Faculty employees, while knowledge management does not significantly affect USK Medical Faculty employee performance. Furthermore, the results of the indirect effect testing process prove that organizational commitment acts as a full mediator in mediating the influence of knowledge management on the performance of USK Medical Faculty employees, while organizational commitment does not significantly act as a mediator between learning organizational variables and job satisfaction to influence the performance of USK Medical Faculty employees. The interesting thing is it turns out that the model for improving employee performance at USK Medical Faculty depends on the direct influence of learning organizations, job satisfaction, and work commitment. Work commitment turns out to have a role as a full mediation between increasing knowledge management in order to stimulate an increase in the performance of USK Medical Faculty employees.

Keywords: Learning Organization, Knowledge Management, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Employee Performance.


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