The Role of Perceived Environmental Uncertainty on the Usage of Strategic Management Accounting Techniques Among Nigerian Manufacturing Firms

OJUA, Olusegun Michael
Department of Accounting, College of Business and Social Sciences, Unicaf University, Malawi, Nigeria.


The objective of this research paper is to review the role of perceived environmental uncertainty (PEU) in the usage of SMATs by Nigerian manufacturing firms given the level of competition in the sector. To compete well, management decisions are influenced by the external environment due to the need for relevance. Using a sample of Hundred and Forty-Seven manufacturing firms and their accounts personnel as respondents, copies of questionnaires were distributed to gather primary data, the Correlation Coefficient, and other simple statistical tools of analysis calculated. The first hypothesis shows the ranking of 0.56 and 0.99 all above 0.5 level of acceptance, while the second hypothesis comparing PEU factors on the SMATs usage with a z-score all above the “3” mean score. The results indicated the significance of PEU in the use of SMATs by the firms.  The findings of the study will have implications for the firms ‘ decisions on the usage of SMATs. As a result of this research, it can be concluded that PEU factors are influencing the usage of SMATs among Nigerian Manufacturing firms.

Keywords:  Perceived Environmental Uncertainty, Strategic Management Accounting, SMAT usage.


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Works Cited

OJUA, Olusegun Michael. (2021). The Role of Perceived Environmental Uncertainty on the usage of Strategic Management Accounting Techniques among Nigerian Manufacturing firms. International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, 04(04), 106-118. doi: