The Model of Brand Image as Moderation and Customer Relationship Management as Mediation in Impacting Customer Loyalty on Tiensi Products in Banda Aceh
Author: Alaidin, Permana Honeyta Lubis dan Sorayanti Utami Indonesia
Abstract:This study intends to examine the role of brand image in moderating the effect of service quality (Servqual) and customer perceived value (CPV) on customer loyalty through customer relationship management (CRM) on Tiensi products in Banda Aceh. The population is all Tiensi customers or consumers in Banda Aceh who are not known with certainty so that it is NonProbability Sampling. To ensure that the sample needs were met and to make the population more representative, a sample of 200 respondents was taken. The research model was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results prove that the direct effect of servqual on customer loyalty is significant, CPV on customer loyalty is significant, servqual for CRM is significant, CPV on CRM is significant, and CRM on customer loyalty is significant. Furthermore, the CRM variable is proven not to function as a mediation on the effect of servqual on customer loyalty but acts as a partial mediator in the CPV influence model on customer loyalty. The variable Brand image plays a role in moderating the effect of servqual on customer loyalty, and also moderating the effect of CPV on customer loyalty. The role of the brand image variable on the two influence models is proven to be a Quasi Moderator, where brand image can play a strong role both as a moderator and as a predictor. The novelty of the research lies in the combination of proving the role of the CRM variable as mediation and the role of the brand image variable as moderation so that the model tested in this study can enrich previous references. For future researchers, of course, it is possible to further develop this model by adding other predictor variables such as marketing strategy, or moderating variables such as gender.