The Impact of Brand Equity, Brand Trust, And Brand Image on Brand Loyalty at Bank Syariah Indonesia in Aceh Mediated by Customer Satisfaction

Amirul Azhar1*, Muhammad Adam2, & Mukhlis3
1,2,3 Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia

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This study aims to measure the influences of Brand Equity (B-Equity), Brand Trust (B-Trust), And Brand Image (B-Image) On Brand Loyalty (B-Loyalty) at Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) in Aceh, mediated by customer satisfaction. The sample used in this study is BSI’s customers in Aceh, with as many as 300 customers. The data collection tool used in this study was a questionnaire. The sampling technique is non-probability sampling. This study uses PLS to determine the effect of all the variables involved. The results show that B-Equity, B-Trust, B-Image, Satisfaction, and B-Loyalty at BSI in Aceh are all positive; B-Equity, B-Trust, and B-Image have a positive and significant impact on satisfaction; B-Equity, B-Trust, and Satisfaction have a positive and significant impact on B-Loyalty at BSI in Aceh, However, B-Image does not have a positive and significant impact on B-Loyalty; Satisfaction partially mediates the B-Equity and B-Trust effect on B-Loyalty; and Satisfaction fully mediates the B-Image effect on B-Loyalty at BSI in Aceh. This full mediation means that B-Image affects B-Loyalty only through satisfaction.

Keywords: Brand Equity, Brand Trust, Brand Image, Customer Satisfaction, and Brand Loyalty


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