The Effect of Harmonious Passion and Workload on The Performance of State Administrative Court Apparatus in Banda Aceh Mediated by Work Motivation
Muhammad Danil Syahputra1*, Muhammad Adam2, & T. Meldi Kesuma3
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
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This study aims to influence harmonious passion and workload on the State Administrative Court (SAC) apparatus performance, mediated by work motivation. Research data were collected by distributing questionnaires to 68 apparatus at the SAC of Banda Aceh city. Data were measured using a Likert scale that offers five alternative responses. Data were tested using SPSS, SEM-PLS, and Sobel calculator. The results of descriptive testing prove that harmonious passion, workload, work motivation, and Apparatus performance are good. Direct impact testing proves that positively harmonious passion and workload affect work motivation significantly. Furthermore, positively harmonious passion and work motivation affect Apparatus performance significantly, but workload does not have a significant effect on Apparatus performance. Indirect impact testing proves that positively work motivation significantly and partially mediates the harmonious passion effect on Apparatus performance, and positively work motivation significantly and fully mediates the workload effect on Apparatus performance.
Keywords: Harmonious Passion, Workload, Work Motivation, Apparatus Performance
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