The Influence of Proactive Personality and Career Calling on Employee Performance Mediated by Job Crafting: Study on Aceh Regional Police

Nabhani Akbar*, A. Sakir, & Sofyan
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


This study aimed to determine how job crafting plays a role in the connection between proactive personality, career calling, and employee performance in the Aceh Regional Police. We collected data from 258 individuals and used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to analyze the variables. Our research indicated that proactive personality and job crafting have a positive influence on employee performance. Furthermore, employee job crafting behavior is influenced by both their proactive personality and career calling. Finally, our study found that job crafting partially mediates the proactive personality and career calling effect on employee performance at the Aceh Regional Police. These findings explain the performance improvement model of the Aceh Regional Police. The tested model can be a basis for further theory development and further research related to the variables. Limitations exist in the research setup including the subject and variables. Practitioners, especially research subjects, can also use these findings as a basis for determining future performance improvement strategies.

Keywords: Proactive Personality, Career Calling, Job Crafting, Performance


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