The Effect of Service Quality on Satisfaction and Its Impact on The Trust of Zainal Abidin General Hospital Patients Banda Aceh

Author: M Irfan Rinaldi, Permana Honneyta Lubis and Sorayanti Utami, Indonesia

Abstract: This study intends to test a causality model that is the effect of service quality on satisfaction and the impact on patient trust in the Zainal Abidin Regional Hospital in Banda Aceh (RSUDZA). The population in this study is civil servants in the RSUDZA. The population is 150 people and the use of the sampling technique is purposive sampling. The research testing model was analyzed using the Partial Least Square – Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) technique. The results of the study prove that the quality of service is able to influence patient trust, the quality of service is able to influence patient satisfaction, patient satisfaction is able to influence patient trust, and quality of service is able to influence trust through patient satisfaction. Service quality indicators used are still feasible as its measurement tool, and the research model contributes to be premises especially in management field. The research model explained is a combination of previous causality research models, with new objects. The limitation of the study is on the number of variables studied and the research scope. A number of recommendations are also formulated. RSUDZA Banda Aceh needs to continue to improve its quality of services, especially those related to the dimensions studied, namely reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangible asset facilities so that patient satisfaction increases and ultimately will increase greater patient trust. More detail, RSUDZA needs to add more counters and continue to innovate the service systems especially though technology development, to avoid long queues, as well as need to add other facilities so that trust and satisfaction can be further increased.