The Influence of Employee Engagement and Employee Welfare on Employee Retention Through Business Management Talent Strategies

Dewi Ratih Anggraini1*, & Dedi Rianto Rahadi2
STIA Pemerintahan Annisa Dwi Salfarizi, Indonesia
Management, President University, Indonesia


This research aims to investigate the influence of employee engagement and happiness on employee retention through the implementation of talent management strategies in the context of Business Management. The research method uses Structural Equation Modeling – Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) using Smart-PLS software. The research population includes employees at PT ABC Cikaarang . Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire. The research results show high reliability in the variable measurement tools used, especially employee engagement, employee retention, employee welfare, and talent management. Hypothesis analysis confirms the existence of a significant influence between employee engagement, employee retention, and talent management. However, it was found that the relationship between employee well-being and talent management was not significant. The implication is that increasing employee engagement and happiness can strengthen the relationship with employee retention and talent management, which will have a positive impact on human resource management in business organizations. These findings provide theoretical contributions regarding the dynamics of key human resource management variables, while providing practical guidance for organizational leaders.

Keywords: Employee Engagement, Employee Retention, Significant Relationships, Employee Welfare, Business Management, Human Resources Management, Talent Management.


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