The Influence of Work Environment and Workload on Job Satisfaction Through Work Stress of Aceh Regional Police Officer (Study on The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation)

Rina Zahara, Amri*, & Ridwan
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


This study examines the work environment and workload influence on work stress and its implications on the job satisfaction of Police Officers assigned to the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation of the Aceh Regional Police. This study used a census technique, surveying 70 police officers. Testing the research hypothesis was carried out with the approaches of a one-sample t-test, the Partial Least Square (PLS) test, and the Sobel test. Research results prove that Environment, workload, work stress, and satisfaction have gone well, Work environment affects work stress, Workload affects work stress, Work environment affects satisfaction, Workload affects satisfaction, Work stress does not affect satisfaction, Work stress mediated Work environment effect on satisfaction, and Work stress mediated Workload effect on satisfaction. It can be seen from these findings that work stress in the model acts as a full mediator. These findings also explain that the model of increasing satisfaction in working at the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation of the Aceh Regional Police is a function of increasing the comfort of the work environment, adjusting the workload, and adjusting the work stress of its officers.

Keywords: Work environment, workload, work stress, personnel performance.


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