The Effect of Knowledge Management, Strategic Management Information System, And Innovation Capability on Organizational Performance Pushidrosal Mediated by Strategic Leadership

Budi Purwanto,1 Willy Arafah2, & Kusnadi3 
1,2,3Faculty of Economics, University Trisakti Jakarta, Indonesia


The purpose of this research is for the development and interest of the Center for Hydrography and Oceanography which is an implementing element for some of the duties and functions of marine maps which is directly responsible to the Indonesian National Navy. The Center for Hydrography and Oceanography of the Indonesian National Army Navy is the Main Command of the Indonesian Navy which has the task of organizing Hydro-Oceanography development. The analytical method is carried out through explanatory research, with the PLS/SEM application. The concepts and problems studied look at the causal relationship, then explain the variables that cause the problems studied. The research sample was 192 Officers and Officers of the Center for Hydrography and Oceanography of the Indonesian Navy. The findings from this study have a positive effect of knowledge management, strategic management information system, innovation capability on organizational performance. There is a positive influence of knowledge management, strategic management information system, innovation capability on strategic leadership. There is a positive effect of strategic leadership on organizational performance. There is a positive influence of knowledge management, strategic management information system, innovation capability on organizational performance mediated by strategic leadership. Theoretical implications of having strategic leadership through increasing its dimensions can improve organizational performance. The Center for Hydrography and Oceanography can increase the trust and loyalty of related parties. Improving and developing the quality of human resources must first pay attention to policies and strategic plans. The development will give a good indication of the organizational performance of the Center for Hydrography and Oceanography. Managerial implications state that the quality of resources, in the process of involvement of knowledge management, strategic management information system and innovation capability of all officials and leaders with third parties is very close, so that cooperation and compliance with the technical specifications of the wishes of the community must be a top priority. The quality of Navy Personnel in terms of equipment, quality of employees, performance of sections such as decision-making officials, is an image that can be felt by the community or cooperating parties, so that these various qualities must be a priority for increasing the knowledge of the Center for Hydrography and Oceanography

Keywords: knowledge management, strategic management information system, innovation capability, strategic leadership, organizational performance.


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