The Effect of Empowerment, Self Efficacy, and Work Culture on Work Satisfaction and Its Impact on Employee Performance : Study in Aceh DPMPTSP
Author: Sayed Muliady, Amri and Iskandar Madjid, Indonesia
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to test the effect of empowerment, self efficacy, and work culture on work satisfaction and its impact on performance. The research was conducted at the of Aceh Aceh One-stop Integrated Investment and Services Office (DPMPTSP). The sample was taken by cencus method, as much as 145 respondents. Data analysis tool used in this study was structural equation modeling (SEM) with the help of the Amos program. The result shows that empowerment affects work satisfaction, Self efficacy affects work satisfaction, work culture affects work satisfaction, work satisfaction affects the performance of employee, Empowerment affects the performance of employees, Self efficacy does not affect the performance of employees, Work culture does not effect the performance of employees, Work satisfaction mediates the effect of empowerment on employee performance, Work satisfaction mediates the effect of self efficacy on employee performance, and work satisfaction mediates the effect of work culture on employee performance. This contributes to be premises in the realm of science. The variables raised by other researchers in previous studies stimulated researchers to come up with something new, useful, and targeted, especially in the scope of the Aceh DPMPTSP. In terms of the theoretical backrest of the experts, researchers have presented a variety of the latest expert exposures and strongly support the creation of quality research and keep abreast of developments over time. This research also have limitation that lies in the scope of object. This research also can be a reference to practical leaders especially in Aceh DPMPTSP