The Influence of Integrity, Organizational Culture and Employee Engagement on Staff performance And Its Impact on Banda Aceh High Court Jurisdiction Performance

*Rismayati, Said Musnadi, & Sofyan
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


This research aims to examine the integrity, organizational culture, and employee engagement role in staff performance and their impact on the Banda Aceh High Court Jurisdiction performance. The population was all employees of the Banda Aceh High Court Jurisdiction, totaling 22 First Level Courts totaling 579 employees. Sampling used proportional stratified random sampling technique, and the number was determined using the Slovin formula so that a total of 236 people were obtained. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to all research samples. The research data were analyzed using the SPPS, AMOS and Sobel calculator. The results prove that the conditions of Banda Aceh High Court Jurisdiction performance, Staff performance, Integrity, Organizational Culture, and Employee Engagement at the Banda Aceh High Court Jurisdiction are good; directly Integrity significantly affected staff performance, culture significantly affected staff performance, engagement significantly affected staff performance, integrity did not significantly affect Banda Aceh High Court Jurisdiction performance, culture significantly affected Banda Aceh High Court Jurisdiction performance, attachment did not significantly affect Banda Aceh High Court Jurisdiction performance, staff performance influences Banda Aceh High Court Jurisdiction performance; indirectly Integrity significantly affected Banda Aceh High Court Jurisdiction performance through staff performance as a full mediator, culture significantly affected Banda Aceh High Court Jurisdiction performance through staff performance as a partial mediator, and engagement significantly affected Banda Aceh High Court Jurisdiction performance through staff performance as a full mediator. These findings validate that the model for improving organizational performance at the Banda Aceh High Court Jurisdiction is a function of strengthening integrity, conformity to organizational culture, strengthening engagement, and improving staff performance.

Keywords: Integrity, organizational culture, employee engagement, staff performance, organizational performance


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