Determinant Of Organizational Commitment In Syariat Islam Institution Of Banda Aceh

Author: Khusniah, Ridwan Ibrahim and Sofyan, Indonesia

Abstract: This study is to see the determinant of organizational commitment in Syariat Islam Institution of Banda Aceh. The Independent variables identified are knowledge management and organizational learning. The population is the employee of syariat Islam Instition of Banda Aceh, that is 43 people. The sample is taken with sensus method, so it provides 43 respondents. Data is analyzed using Multiple Regression Analysis technique, with the help of the SPSS program. The result shows that knowledge management affects organizational commitment significantly, and organizational learning affects organizational commitment significantly. These test results contribute as the new premise in causality theories related to the variables, and have the novelty in developing it with extending the time and with the new object. The limitation resides in the amount of the variables, with only one object. This model is also able to be a reference of the practical persons related. Some of the captured implications are also discussed.