Community Needs Assessment as Basis for the Extension Program of Philippine College Foundation

Ricardo F. Uy Jr.1, Irish Gay Ruby Adora2, Christianne Joyed Pilvera3, Shiela Dibdib4, Hazel Jaramillo5 Jhon Remark Esteves Arendain6, & Quennie Laña7

1Director of Extension, Philippine College Foundation, Philippines
2Faculty of Business Administration, Philippine College Foundation, Philippines
3Faculty of Elementary Education, Philippine College Foundation, Philippines
4Faculty of Office Administration, Philippine College Foundation, Philippines
5Faculty of Hospitality Management, Philippine College Foundation, Philippines
6Faculty of School of Criminology, Philippine College Foundation, Philippines
7 Extension Office, Philippine College Foundation, Philippines


Philippine College Foundation (PCF) has been working to enhance the quality of life of people in the community by delivering practical, relevant, and responsive extension programs. Community extension services facilitate collaborative effort and volunteerism between schools and their surrounding communities. This study examined the needs of the community in Barangay Bangcud, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon. Specifically, the survey aimed to ascertain the demographic profile of respondents and assess community needs. This study employed a descriptive mixed method that included a survey questionnaire and interviews with key informants. The study revealed that most of the respondents are between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four, have completed elementary school, and are employed as laborers. The majority of respondents have their own houses, but only a few have toilets. The community highly needs livelihood and financial literacy projects, organizational planning and management, and food safety and hygiene. Moreover, they have high necessity in terms of education, parenting, and awareness of human rights and violence. The study recommends that the institution and the Barangay Bangcud local government unit collaborate to provide projects that could meet the identified needs of the community. In addition, it is recommended that a strong linkage be established with the concerned agencies to ensure the success of the projects.

Keywords: Needs Assessment, Education, Food Safety, Human Rights, Livelihood, Organizational Planning.


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