Purposive Reflection: Perspectives on Lesson Study in Bridging Pedagogical Process and Learning Outcomes

Lito Oliver Coronado
Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines


This is a qualitative case study about the role of lesson reflection in the context of Lesson Study in meeting desired learning outcomes. The purpose of this study was to determine how doing lesson reflection the Lesson Study way can offer meaningful insights to enrich reflection under DO 42, series of 2016. This study interviewed 13 participants who all had a minimum of one year in conducting Lesson Study. This is anchored on constructivism and variation theories. Maximum variation sampling was purposely used in choosing the interview participants. The participants were semi-structurally interviewed one-on-one via Zoom. The data were treated for purposes of coding and in search for patterns using Quirkos, a qualitative data analyzer software and were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis by Braun and Clarke, 2019. The study revealed the following themes which highlighted answers to the role of lesson reflection through Lesson Study in meeting desired learning outcomes for subproblem 1: a) improved lesson preparations, b) improvement in lesson execution, c) student learning facility, d) teachers’ professional growth; for subproblem 2: a) better lesson preparation and delivery, b) students learn by doing and make learning discoveries; for subproblem 3: reflective lesson revisions improve students’ performance, b) learning is bridged particularly to slow students, c) aids students’ learnability through teachers’ anticipations based on observations.

Keywords: Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Lesson Study, lesson reflection, learning outcomes, variation theory, constructivism.


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