The Influence Of Trust And Attitude Towards Social Media Advertising On Purchase Intention Of Clothing Products With Behavioral Responses As Mediating Variable : Study On Students Of Universitas Syiah Kuala
Author: Teuku Aryan Afra, Jasman J. Ma’ruf and Sorayanti Utami, Indonesia
Abstract: This study is to examine the effect of Trust, and attitude towards social media advertising on purchase intention with behavioral response as a mediating variable. The sampling type is a nonprobability sampling, and in this case the research uses the purposive sampling method which takes certain criteria. The criteria are the active students, active in online shopping, active in social media, and willing to become respondents. The sample taken is 140 respondents. The data collection uses questionnaires as a research instrument. The Partial least Square-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method is used as a statistical method. The results shows trust effects the behavioral response significantly, attitude towards social media advertising effects the behavioral response significantly, trust effects purchase intention sicnificantly, attitude towards social media ads effects the purchase intention significantly, behavioral response effects purchase intention significantly, trust effects purchase intention with consumer response behavior as a mediating variable, attitude towards social media ads effects purchase intention with behavioral response as a mediating variable. These all results are a verification results to test the previous causality theories, and being the updates. This research model contribute to academic and practical area, which means that the model can enrich the realm of knowledge and science and can be a reference for practical managers especially the object in this research.