The Influence of Organizational Culture and Leadership Style on Organizational Performance Mediated by Organizational Commitment in The Banda Aceh City Tourism Office

*Afrinda Novalia, A. Sakir, & Sofyan
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


This study aims to determine the organizational culture and leadership style effect on organizational performance which is mediated by organizational commitment. The population was all the Banda Aceh City Tourism Office employees. The sample collection technique used was a census so a total of 90 respondents were obtained. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires online. The Likert scale was used to measure data. The model test used a one-sample t-test for H1 (descriptive test), a structural test using smartPLS for H2 to H6 (verification of direct effect test), and a Sobel calculator for H7 and H8 (mediation effect test). The test results conclude that culture, leadership style, commitment, and organizational performance have been going well; then, culture and leadership style positively affected commitment and organizational performance, and commitment also influenced organizational performance; and commitment partially mediated the culture and leadership style role in the organizational performance. These findings illustrate that the organizational performance improvement model in the Banda Aceh City Tourism Office is a function of adjusting the culture and leadership style that can support organizational commitment. This finding is an important premise for the development of theories related to organizational performance, especially the organizational model that is the same as the Banda Aceh City Tourism Office that is being studied.

Keywords:  Organizational Culture, Leadership Style, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Performance.


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