The Training Management and Training Outcomes in Construction Industry: A Review

Mohammad Mohsin Salim Ba Uwain1, Azman2, & Hasline3
1,2,3, Infrastructure University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Employees are the backbone of any company and a strategic weapon in the competitive business. The objective of this research (1) to investigate the relationship between training management and (a) trainee motivation to learn, (b)  trainee motivation to transfer (2) to examine the relationship between (a) trainee motivation to learn, (b) trainee motivation to transfer and training outcomes (3) to evaluate the relationship between trainee motivation to learn and trainee motivation to transfer (4) to assess the relationship between (a) training communication, (b) training support, (c) training assignment and training outcomes (5) to investigate the mediating role of motivation to learn and motivation to transfer mediate the relationship between training management and training outcomes.  The target of respondents of this paper is employees who are currently working on the construction sector in Oman.

Keywords: Training, Management, motivation, Outcomes, Communication, Oman


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