The Influence of Self-Efficacy Creativity and Employee Engagement on Employee Performance and Its Implications on The Performance of PT Angkasa Pura II Branch Office at Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport in Aceh

Rachmad Syukran, Muhammad Adam, & T. Meldi Kesuma*
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


This study examines the influence of self-efficacy creativity and employee engagement on employee performance and their implications for the performance of PT Angkasa Pura II, Branch Office At Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport in Aceh (Angkasa Pura II Aceh). This research used a total population of 212 employees. The survey used a saturated sample or census procedure. Data was tested using AMOS software thru the Structural Modelling technique (SEM). The results conclude that in the Angkasa Pura II Aceh,  Self-Efficacy Creativity, Engagement, Employee Performance, and Organizational Performance have gone well; Self-Efficacy Creativity affects Employee Performance; Engagement affects Employee Performance; Self-Efficacy Creativity affects Organizational Performance; Engagement affects Organizational Performance; Employee Performance affects Organizational Performance; Self-Efficacy Creativity can affect organizational performance thru Employee Performance; and Engagement can affect Organizational Performance thru employee performance. The findings also prove that employee performance in the model functions as a partial mediator, both for modeling self-efficacy creativity affecting organizational performance and for modeling engagement affecting organizational performance. So these findings state that the model for improving Angkasa Pura II Aceh’s performance is a function of increasing self-efficacy creativity, and strengthening engagement, which can have an impact on improving the performance of its employees.

Keywords: Self-Efficacy Creativity, Employee Engagement, Employee Performance, Organizational Performance.


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