The Effect of Service Quality and Satisfaction on Loyalty Mediated by Trust in Bank Aceh Action Mobile Service Users
Deddi Kurniawan, Muhammad Adam, & Mukhlis*
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This research aims to examine the service quality (Servqual) and satisfaction effect on loyalty mediated by trust in Bank Aceh Action Mobile Service Users. This research was conducted on Bank Aceh Syariah (BAS). The population was all Bank Aceh Action Mobile Service Users. The sample used was 200 people based on Structural Model (SEM) test requirement. The results show on Bank Aceh Action Mobile Service Users, Servqual affects trust, Satisfaction affects trust, Servqual affects loyalty, Satisfaction affects loyalty, Trust affects loyalty, Servqual affects loyalty thru trust, and Servqual affects loyalty thru trust. This finding also explains that trust is a partial mediator in the model. The findings also underlie that the model for increasing user loyalty in Action Mobile in Banda Aceh is a function of increasing Servqual and satisfaction so that it can increase the trust of its users.
Keywords: Service Quality, Satisfaction, Trust, Loyalty
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