The Effect of Training and Development on Employee Attraction and Retention in the Gold Mining Sector in Zimbabwe

Dr. Munyaradzi Chikove
Zimbabwe Open University, Harare, Zimbabwe


The purpose of this study is to establish the effect of training and development on employee attraction and retention in the mining sector in Zimbabwe. The mining industry in Zimbabwe has been extensively affected by the loss of key personnel in key areas such as engineering, metallurgy and geology among others. The loss of such vital employees in the mining sector has had a negative impact on output and consequently loss of the much-needed revenue to the Zimbabwean economy. It is against this background that there is need to establish the establish the effect of training and development on employee attraction and retention in the mining sector. The quantitative method research was employed in this study. An interview guide was used to collect data during consultative meetings and semi-structured interview platforms. The purposive sampling technique was employed in this study. The main findings were poor employee motivation due to the failure to train and develop personnel but poor leadership style being employed, lack of employee ascension to higher levels within the organisation. This study recommends that managers in the Zimbabwe mining sector should strive to train their employees so that their skills remain current as well as developing employees in a bid to expose them to perform additional duties and assume positions of importance in the organisational hierarchy.

Keywords: Motivation, Job satisfaction, Training and development, Attraction, Retention


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