Modelling of Life Expectancy in Nusa Tenggara Barat
Ida Wayan Demung1*, Made Suyana Utama2, A.A.I.N. Marhaeni3, & I G.W. Murjana Yasa4
1234Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University Bali, Indonesia
The success of economic development must be supported by human development. Life expectancy is an important indicator that acts as a measuring tool for government performance in planning and evaluating national development, especially in the province of West Nusa Tenggara. The purpose of this study was to analyze the variables that affect: the population; government spending; health services; coverage of drug/vaccine availability; nutritional adequacy; education level; age at marriage; environmental sanitation; immunization; domestic violence (KDRT); life expectancy; Risk of Infant Mortality and Risk of Maternal Death. The research uses panel data consisting of 10 regencies/cities for 2008-2019 obtained from BPS, NTB Health Office, NTB DP3AP2KB, NTB Police and conducted in-depth interviews. The data analysis technique uses econometric modelling and system dynamics. The results of the study found that: the behavioral aspect of the community is 1.69 years old and is a top priority. The modelling results also show that the life expectancy in NTB is 1.73 years to 74.15 years compared to the BPS projection of 72.42 years for the National in 2035.
Keywords: Life Expectancy, Government Expenditure, Econometry, System Dynamic
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