The Influence of Psychological Capital and Career Competence on Career Success Mediated by Career Adaptation in the Regional Government Office of Aceh Besar District
Fatimah Azzahra, Muhammad Adam*, & Sulaiman
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This study aims to examine the effect of psychological capital and career competence on career success mediated by career adaptation at the Aceh Besar district government office, Indonesia. The population was employees at the 4 government offices in Aceh Besar district, namely Regional Secretariat Office, the Agriculture Office, the Financial Management Office, the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office, and the Education and Culture Office, totaling 3,319 civil servants. This research determined the proportional stratified random sampling technique as a method of sampling. While the determination of the sample was carried out using the Slovin formula so that a sample of 192 people was obtained. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to all respondents which were measured using a Likert scale and tested using SEM AMOS. The results conclude that in the Aceh Besar district government, the variable of Psychological Capital, Career Competence, Career Adaptation, and Career Success of employees are good; Psychological Capital negatively influences Career Adaptation employee; Career Competence positively influences employee Career Adaptation; Psychological Capital does not affect Employee Career Success; Career competence does not affect Employee Career Success; Career Adaptation positively influences Employee Career Success; Psychological Capital negatively influences Career Success through Employee Career Adaptation as a full mediator; and Career Competence positively influences Career Success through Employee Career Adaptation as a full mediator. These results explain that the model of strengthening career success is a function of adjusting Psychological Capital, increasing Career Competence, and adjusting Career Adaptation.
Keywords: Psychological Capital, Career competence, Career Success, Career Adaptation.
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