The Effect of Consumer Experience and Brand Trust on E-market Place Repurchase Intention and Its Impact on Consumer Loyalty: Case Study after Tokopedia Merger Become GoTo
Zulfajri Ery Syahputra, Muhammad Adam, & Teuku Roli Ilhamsyah Putra*
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This study aims to examine the consumer experience and brand trust effect on repurchasing intentions of e-marketplaces and their impact on consumer loyalty: a case study after Tokopedia merged into Goto. The population in this study was all Goto consumers in Banda Aceh. The sample collection technique was purposive sampling. To obtain the number of respondents as many as 220 people. Data is collected by distributing questionnaires that are carried out online which are linked to the Google form. Data was measured using a Likert scale and analyzed using AMOS SEM. The result concludes that Tokopedia’s consumer experience, brand trust, repurchase intention, and consumer loyalty to GoTo were going well; Consumer experience affects repurchase intention; Brand trust affects repurchase intention; Consumer experience affects consumer loyalty; Brand trust affects consumer loyalty; Repurchase intention affects consumer loyalty; Repurchase intention partially mediates the consumer experience effect on consumer loyalty; and Repurchase intention partially mediates the brand trust effect on consumer loyalty. The findings also explain that the model for increasing loyalty to Tokopedia consumers on GoTo in Banda Aceh is a function of increasing consumer repurchase intention, increasing consumer experience, and strengthening trust in the Tokopedia brand on GoTo.
Keyword: Consumer Experience, Brand Trust, Repurchase Intention, Consumer Loyalty.
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