The Effect of Work Discipline and Intrinsic Motivation on Work Productivity and Their Impact on Organizational Performance at the Manpower and Transmigration Department of Aceh Selatan District
Syamsuar, Permana Honneyta Lubis, & Halimatussakdiah*
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This research aims to see the effect of work discipline and intrinsic motivation on work productivity and their impact on organizational performance at the Aceh Selatan District Manpower and Transmigration Office (Disnakertrans Aceh Selatan). Respondents in this research were all employees of the Disnakertrans Aceh Selatan, totaling 108 people. Data were collected thru questionnaires that were distributed to all respondents and measured using a Likert scale. The research data were tested using the SEM-AMOS. The result shows that in the Disnakertrans Aceh Selatan the variables of work discipline, intrinsic motivation, work productivity, and the Disnakertrans Aceh Selatan performance are good, work discipline positively affects work productivity, intrinsic motivation positively affects work productivity, work discipline positively affects the Disnakertrans Aceh Selatan performance, intrinsic motivation does not affect the Disnakertrans Aceh Selatan performance, work productivity positively affects the Disnakertrans Aceh Selatan performance, work productivity mediates the work discipline effect on the Disnakertrans Aceh Selatan performance partially, and work productivity mediates the intrinsic motivation effect on the Disnakertrans Aceh Selatan performance fully.
Keywords: work discipline, intrinsic motivation, work productivity, and Organizational performance.
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