The Influence of Entrepreunial Orientation and Business Performance in Improving the Welfare of Business Actors

AA. Bagus Bayu Joni Saputra1*, I Ketut Sudibia2, Ida Bagus Putu Purbadharmaja3 & Made Heny Urmila Dewi4
Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University Bali, Indonesia


Welfare is not only an individual ideal, but also a goal of a group of individuals gathered in a country so that two kinds of welfare arise, namely individual welfare and community welfare. The welfare of business actors is the welfare of individuals engaged in business activities.

There are several factors that determine the welfare of business actors, including entrepreneurial orientation and business performance. Entrepreneurial orientation refers to a company’s orientation strategy to acquire decision-making styles, practices, and methods. Business performance is something that is produced by the company in a certain period by referring to the standards set.

This study aims to examine the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and business performance, the influence of business performance in improving the welfare of business actors and the influence of entrepreneurial orientation in improving the welfare of business actors. The results of this study show that entrepreneurial orientation and business performance can improve the welfare of business actors.

Keywords: entrepreneurial orientation, business performance, welfare of business actors.


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