A Survey Study on the Efficacy of a Tourism Website: a Case of Botutonuo Beach in the Province of Gorontalo
Andi Juanna1, Citra Aditya Kusuma2, Srisetia Ningrum3, & Moh. Zidhan H Lapalanti4
1,2,3,4 Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia
DOI – http://doi.org/10.37502/IJSMR.2022.5712
Websites play a significant role in the promotion of today’s tourism industries. A myriad of studies has shown that its uses, for instance, help tourists access detailed information about their preferred tourism sites and, thus, personalize their visit. In the context of Botutonuo Beach located in the Province of Gorontalo, Indonesia, utilizing a website to promote the beach is of necessity. Yet, to what extent the website provides what tourists need to know for their visit remains under-explored. This study, therefore, aims to examine the efficacy of a website that has been developed as a promotional marketing strategy tool for Botutonuo Beach. To collect data, a survey form was distributed to 100 respondents in Gorontalo. This survey consists of ten questions which are divided into three parts: (1) user personal information; (2) respondent’s experience in traveling to Botutonuo Beach; and (3) user satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the current Botutonuo Beach website. The results showed that the majority of the respondents supported the use of the website for a promotional tool for tourism at Botutonuo Beach. Respondents also considered that the Botutonuo Beach website was a reliable source of accurate and valuable information; therefore, they recommended this website for tourists who want to visit Botutonuo Beach.
Keywords: Botutonuo Beach, marketing strategy, tourism, website.
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