The Effect of Content Marketing and Social Media Influencer on Customer Satisfaction and Their Impact On Online Repurchase Intention During The Covid-19 Pandemic

*Cut Nurvajri TR, Mukhlis Yunus, & Syafruddin Chan
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


This study aims to examine the effect of content marketing and social media influencer on customer satisfaction and their impact on online repurchase intention during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study was conducted on the people of Banda Aceh City, Boomers Sub Group, Generation X & Y. The sampling technique used a non-probability sampling technique through purposive sampling. The number of samples was 200 respondents following the requirements for using the SEM statistical method using AMOS software. Data were collected by interview method and distributing questionnaires. The results showed that of the 6 direct influence hypotheses tested, there was one that was not significant, namely the social media influencer effect on online repurchase intention, while the results of testing other hypotheses were significant, namely content marketing and social media influencer affect customer satisfaction, content marketing and customer satisfaction affect repurchase intention, and the mediation testing which proves that customer satisfaction partially mediates the content marketing effect on online repurchase intention during the covid 19 pandemic, and Customer Satisfaction fully mediates the social media influencer effect on online repurchase intention during the Covid 19 pandemic. These findings prove that the model for increasing online repurchase intention during the covid 19 pandemic in Banda Aceh is a function of the accuracy of social media influencer and increased content marketing which plays a role in increasing customer satisfaction.

Keywords: Content Marketing, Social Media Influencer, Customer Satisfaction, Online Repurchase Intention.


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