The Effect of Interpersonal Conflict and Leadership Style on Work Stress and Their Impact on Employee Performance at the Aceh Regional Secretariat
Muhammad Syahrizal,* Faisal, & T. Meldi Kesuma
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This study was conducted to analyze the effect of interpersonal conflict and leadership style on work stress and its impact on employee performance. The population was all employees of the Aceh Regional Secretariat (Setda Aceh), Indonesia, amounting to 561 people. The sample is determined through Slovin Formula provided 150 respondents, and taken with a simple random sampling technique. The result shows that Interpersonal conflict affects employee performance, Leadership style affects employee performance, interpersonal conflict affects work stress, Leadership style affects work stress, Work stress does not affect employee performance, Interpersonal conflict does not affect employee performance through Work Stress, and Leadership style does not affect employee performance through Work Stress. These findings prove that the model of improving employee performance at the Setda Aceh is a function of good interpersonal conflict management and the suitability of leadership style. His tested model can also be the basis for further research development by further researchers, by adding new variables. The results of this study also mapped recommendations for the research subject, namely the Setda Aceh.
Keywords: Interpersonal Conflict, Leadership Style, Work Stress, Employee Performance
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