The Role of Psychological Capital and Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) In Affecting Job Performance Mediated by the Commitment and Engagement of Babinsa Kodim 0101/BS Banda Aceh
Rama Hendarto Budiyanto*, Muhammad Adam, Mahdani
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This study aims to determine and examine the role of psychological capital and leader-member exchange (LMX) in influencing job performance which is mediated by the commitment and attachment of the Babinsa soldiers of Kodim 0101/BS Banda Aceh. The population was all Babinsa soldiers in the Kodim 0101/BS Banda Aceh area, totaling 550 people. The sampling technique used was the convenience sampling technique, so that the sample obtained as many as 200 people. Data were collected using a personal questionnaire. The model was analyzed using SEM thru AMOS statistical equipment. The test results prove that from the six direct effect hypotheses, only one hypothesis does not meet the requirements so only one is rejected, meanwhile of the two indirect effect hypotheses, both have a significant effect. As for the test results, the LMX effect does not affect Job Performance, the function of commitment is as a partial mediator, and the function of employee engagement is as a full mediator. This model is interesting because it uses 2 mediating variables and it is proven that both have different functions.
Keywords: Psychological Capital, Leader-Member Exchange, organization Commitment, Employee Engagement, Job Performance
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