The Effect of Non-material Incentive Motivation and Organizational Culture on Employee Job Satisfaction and Their Impact on Organizational Performance of the Communication, Information, and Encryption Office in Aceh Selatan District

*Abdul Razak, Nurdasila, Teuku Roli Ilhamsyah Putra
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


This research intends to examine the effect of non-material incentive motivation and organizational culture on employee job satisfaction and its impact on the organizational performance of Aceh Selatan Communication, Information, and Encryption (Diskominfo Aceh Selatan) Office. The population was all civil servants and temporary employees in the office, totaling 102 people. Because the population members were relatively small, the sample taken in this research used the census method. The research model was analyzed using the SEM-AMOS. The results show that the descriptive hypothesis testing (H1) prove that all the variables used in this research are good; the direct hypothesis testing prove that non-material incentive motivation and organizational culture affect employee job satisfaction, and Non-material incentive motivation, organizational culture, and job satisfaction affect the performance of Diskominfo Aceh Selatan; and the indirect hypothesis testing proves that job satisfaction mediates the influence of non-material incentive motivation and organizational culture on the performance of the Diskominfo Aceh Selatan. In this tested model, it’s also proven that job satisfaction mediates partially for these two indirect effects. So it has been confirmed that the model for improving the performance of the Aceh Selatan Diskominfo is a function of increasing non-material incentive motivation, strengthening culture, and increasing job satisfaction of its employees.

Keywords: Non-Material Incentive Motivation, Organizational Culture, Employee Job Satisfaction, Organizational Performance.


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