Analysis of the Effect of Organizational Culture, Leadership Style, and Work Motivation on the Performance of Government Employees in the City of Banda Aceh With Job Design as a Mediation Variable
*Feriza Fahmi, Muhammad Adam, & Mukhlis
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This study was to examine the influence of organizational culture, leadership style, and work motivation on employee performance with job design as a mediation variable. The population was government employees of Banda Aceh City. Sample was determined by the formula 5 times the number of indicators so that there were 165 respondents. The research model was analyzed using SEM-AMOS. The results reveal that culture affects job design, leadership affects job design, motivation affects job design, culture does not affect performance, leadership affects performance, motivation affects performance, job design affects performance, culture affects performance through job design, leadership affects performance through job design, and motivation affects performance through job design. The results also prove that job design functions as a full mediator in the cultural model affecting performance, and as a partial mediator in the leadership and motivational model influencing performance. So the findings explain that the model for improving the performance of the Banda Aceh City government is a function of strengthening culture, adjusting leadership, and increasing motivation and job design fit. This finding proves that this research model is verified so that it can be used as a reference for further research/findings.
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Leadership Style, Work Motivation, Job Design, Employee Performance.
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