The Effect of Self Efficacy, Job Crafting, and Employee Engagement on Organizational Performance of PLN Aceh: Worker Performance as Intervening Variable

Munzirwan, Amri, & Sofyan

Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


This study was conducted to determine and examine the analysis of the influence of self efficacy, job crafting, and engagement, on the performance of PT. The State Electricity Company (Persero) for the Aceh Region (PLN Aceh) with worker performance as an intervening variable. The population was all workers of PLN Aceh, totaling 206 people. Considering that the population was relatively small, all population members were used as respondents. The data analysis technique used was Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through SPSS-AMOS software. The test results reveal that the variables of Self efficacy, Job Crafting, Engagement, Worker performance, PLN Aceh performance are good; Self efficacy, Job Crafting, Engagement significantly affect worker performance; Self efficacy, Job Crafting, Engagement, and worker performance significantly affect PLN Aceh performance; and worker performance mediates the effect of Self efficacy, Job Crafting, and Engagement on PLN Aceh performance. Thus, the worker performance in this study proved to act as a partial mediator. Then these all findings answer that the PLN Aceh performance improvement model is a function of increasing Self efficacy, increasing Job Crafting, strengthening Engagement, and increasing Worker performance.

Keywords: Self efficacy, Job Crafting, Employee Engagement, Worker performance, Organizational Performance


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