Felo Group Company: Never Ending Dilemmas

Dr. Ashraf Sheta,1 Maria Armanious, Nada Khalifa, Farah Otozbeer, Maria Akladyos, & Dana El Malki
1Adjunct Assistant Professor, The American University in Cairo, Egypt
DOI http://doi.org/10.37502/IJSMR.2022.5217


The case addresses Felo Group Company, an Egyptian company operating in the field of kitchenware. The case starts with an opening paragraph about an entrepreneur and a glimpse of family business challenges he faces.  It moves through a timeline of his entrepreneurial experience when he was young until now. In addition, a glimpse about the internal and external industry analysis that made him face some challenges as well as many growth opportunities. Not to mention, there are major concerns related to the family challenges that include succession, governance, involvement of other family members, ownership as well as professionalism.

Keywords: Family business, succession plan, family dynamics, governance, policy and strategy.