Psychosocial Work Factors as A Predictor of Employee Health and Performance Among Public Hospitals in Rivers State

Emmanuel Aziegbe Akhigbe1 and Taiye Eletu Issa2
1,2Department of Management, University of Port Harcourt. Port Harcourt, Nigeria


This study examined the link between psychosocial work factors (PWF), employee health and performance among the employees working in the public hospitals in Rivers State. A sample size of 97 workers was drawn from a population of 100 and a cross-sectional survey was utilized. Copies of the questionnaire were distributed to collect data that was analyzed using the Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient. The results revealed a significant relationship between psychosocial work factors (leadership quality, work-family conflict and job demand) and employee health and performance. However, our study found that work-family conflict (WFC) and employee performance appeared to have a stronger link. It was concluded that psychosocial work factors positively affect employees’ performance and health at work. The study recommends that the public hospitals, which want to improve their employees’ performance, ensure that employees’ family conflict is adequately managed to avoid its clash with work duties or responsibilities.

Keywords: Psychosocial Work Factors, Employee Health, Employee Performance, Leadership Quality, Job Demand, Work-Family Conflict.


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