Questionnaire to Identify FOOD BELIEVES: Evidence of Validity and Reliability
Maria Luiza Barreto Medeiros da Silva 1*, Haydée Serrão Lanzillotti2, Roseane Moreira Sampaio Barbosa3, & Maria Elisa Barros4
1Bachelor’s Degree Nutrition, Rio de Janeiro University, Brazil
2Department Social Nutrition, Rio de Janeiro University, Brazil
3Department of Social Nutrition, Federal Fluminense University, Brazil
4Department Social Nutrition, Rio de Janeiro University, Brazil
Objectives: to develop a health measurement instrument, in which food beliefs represent the construct, and to assess evidence of its reliability and validity. Methodology: Participants: Facebook, You Tube, WhatsAPP users. Factor Analysis: Exploratory, Exploratory/Confirmatory and Confirmatory. Dornik-Hanzen and KMO test. Factorial validity: convergent and discriminant. Reliability: Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability-CC. Goodness of Fit-GOF: Root Mean Square Error of Approximation-RMSE, Comparative Fit Index-CFI and Tucker-Lewis Index-TLI. Change parameters: Modification Index-MI and Expected Parameter Changes-EPC. Results: Prototype Responders (P)/items P1/52, P2/31 and P3/28 (n=215) and P4/12 (n=280). Doornick-Hansen and KMO test: multivariate normality and sample adequacy. Principal Factor Analysis, Promax rotation, P1: two-dimensional structure: Factor1: 85.32% and Factor2: 85.11% of construct latency. P1 reached convergent factorial validity (Factor1=0.771 and Factor2=0.7362) and discriminant (Factor1=0.8782 and Factor2=0.8580/correlation between factors=0.3461). Cronbach’s alpha for both factors: 0.9931. Re-specified model, E/AFC, P3: CC Factor1=0.7972 and CC Factor2=0.9622. GOF showed RMSEA=0.22; CFI=0.82 and TLI=0.84. MI and EPC values indicated the removal of three items and re-specification of the model for AFC, P4. The values of RMSEA=0.08, CFI=0.88 and TLI=0.77 indicated poor fit and the MI and EPC values for i3x, i4x, i31y and i33y: semantic redundancy. The residual variance indicated to removal i3x and i33y. GOF values were recalculated: RMSEA=0.067, CFI=0.86 and TLI=0.82, indicating plausible fit. Conclusion: The final questionnaire has eight items with two dimensions: “Food disease prevention” and “Foods with therapeutic value”, five in each.
Keywords: Questionnaire, Food belief, Social media, Validity, Reliability, Factor analysis.
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